
Saturday 7 January 2012

Normalizing's time for the change!

My hopes and dreams for the future of breastfeeding:

I hope from getting out there more photo's of mom's nursing in all places and in all kinds of activities, it helps to being a part of forwarding the process of making breastfeeding normal, to the point that one day soon, it is accepted that every mom breastfeeds there young, it is expected, it is the norm.

For a picture, a simple picture to help turn the tides of the stigma of breastfeeding, yes a simple picture it can do this that is what I believe!! A picture can speak a story, reflect a moment, say what no words may never say in a fleeting glance. To have the 'taboo' of nursing to be obsolete, with no more glares, rude ignorant comments, people isolating mom's for doing what is best for their kids/babes and, instead we have support from our families, friends, strangers. Where one day a stranger looks over at a nursing mom and smiles, with  a warm heart, and loved one's are proud that there daughters, sisters, wives are giving their children the best start they could.
This is what I hope to help the flow of the movement of breastfeeding, for it being the norm and accepted every where and every place.

*Just a note, as I am sure some one will make a comment of the formula debate, this is not a blog to dis any choice a mom has to make for feeding her child. Her choice is her choice alone, and we never know those circumstances until we are in their shoes at that moment in time. I believe we all do what is best with what we know and what we have at that moment, it may change later on or it may not, it is not my place to judge, as I have not walked in their shoes, as they have not walked in mine. I believe formula does have it's very rare place, when sometimes there is not another option available at that time. I think human milk is still the best choice as mother nature is supreme in providing what we need even if it means finding another mom who can help out. What mother nature provides no science can ever match to the tee, before formula was introduced into our marketing, breastfeeding was the norm, as in my opinion, I am sure we would have not survived as a species other wise, mother nature if you allow her, she will be all we need her to be. So to finalize this page is to help give support to breastfeeding, and to help forward that process in making it normal and the common.

Here is a collection of photo's that I think show breastfeeding in all places by all kinds of mom's....

I borrowed this from another mom's blog as this is what started my interest in creating a blog for forwarding the normalizing breastfeeding! I think this photo ROCKS!! It speaks volumes on it's own.

☝This picture of a mama BF, is what really clinched my idea of getting 
photo's out there showing mom's can BF everywhere and anywhere and at anytime!!

                               ☝Mom's are breastfeeding everywhere and for every occasion.

                                                                ☝Mom's at the beach.

                                                           ☝ Mom's just out and about.

                                                            ☝Mom's in boats.

                                                               ☝Mom's in Paris!

☝Mom's in construction places. 

☝Moms' on hikes.

                               ☝I love this photo of Big Bird watching on a mom and her babe.
                                  Credits:By Alex Mlynek  Originally published on 

                                                 ☝ Moms nursing in all kinds of weather.

☝Mom's nursing in all places like in their cars.

☝Mom's breastfeeding with Hubby by her side.

☝Mom's multitasking with their babes and BFing. 

☝Mom and Babe having a drink. 

☝Mom's out and about hiking, having a little rest with some milk time. 

☝Mom's and babies having milk time after yoga. 

☝ A mom and her babe wrapped in rainbows having some milk time.